
I have put up my first batch of home brewed beer since we moved into the new house. It is now sitting in the broom closet waiting for the yeast to wake up and get to work.

BeerThe beer is in the glass carboy under the blanket on the right. The large hose goes from the top of the carboy into the bucket of water that serves as a giant airlock. The blanket keeps the beer dark and warm while the yeast does its magic. The very large hose keeps us from getting beer snork on the ceiling when this thing takes off.

I used to know how to do this with my eyes closed in our old kitchen, but it took a while to figure out where everything goes in the new kitchen. In the end, it was certainly easier to brew in the new space than it was in the House From Hell (HFH).

So, we do brew, do you? (sorry, that just spewed out).

New Kitchen Thumbs Up

If all goes well, the beer goes into the bottles two weeks from today.

Our fingers are crossed ( which makes it difficult to drink beer, so we will uncross them in a couple of weeks ).

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