We have a bunch of CFL’s around the house. They do save electricity, but they do not last as long as advertised. Case in point, the bulb shown below.

ExpiredBecause of the high mortality rate of the CFL’s, I have taken to writing the installation date on the base of each bulb. This one says 2011/8/12. I have also noted the date that it expired, 2013/11/2. That isn’t exactly 8 – 10 years.

Even though these things are warranted for 8 years, the warranty is not much use since the cost of mailing the bulb back to the manufacturer is about the same as the cost of a new bulb. They win.

So, it is trash (properly recycled, of course).

And I have begun experimenting with the newer technology, LED.

LEDAt least this one looks like a light bulb. And it is warranted for 22 years. I have, of course duly noted on the base of the bulb the day it got installed. By the time this one burns out I will be <mumble> years old and I will not care.

Unless, of course, it pops next year, in which case the cost of sending it back to the manufacturer might be worth it, since this thing cost me $7.97.

CFL Thumbs Down
LED Thumbs Up

CFL, LED…. since when did light bulbs become TLA’s?

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