Titanic Dresser

Since I did not get any good photos of the house today, I thought I would show you an interesting photo I took in the Fallapartment. The dresser on the right side of the photo we call our “Titanic Dresser”.

TitanicConcerning the name “Titanic”, it isn’t the size that matters, but the angle. We figure that the angle it is sitting at approximates the angle it would be at were it on the Titanic as she went down.

Please note the decorative molding, attached to the wall at the top of the picture, under the clock. Note that it goes straight across the picture. Note that the dresser does not go straight across the picture. The dresser is leaning like that because the floors are leaning like that. This is true. We have not tilted the camera to make it lean like that. We have not propped up the dresser to make it lean like that. In fact, I have attempted to prop up the dresser to make it lean a little less than that. I failed.

We all get a little dizzy walking around on these floors. Maybe we should call this a “Mystery House” and charge admission from unsuspecting tourists. We could get some of the rent back.

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