Change Your Clocks

Did you get all your clocks changed for the crazy Daylight Savings Time switch?

From the look of DG, he is all done.

Sleepy DG

Or maybe, all done-in is a better description.

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Now that DG has quieted down, I thought that I would post a SPOTH (Strange Plant Of The Hour), just because I haven’t for a while.

crinkly leaf plat with small flowers

Adromischus Cristatus

That is the “Crinkle Leaf Plant”. It has some very tiny, nice flowers.

Tiny trumpet flowers.

This is also known as the “key lime pie succulent”. I don’t know why.

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DG has decided to do me one better after my foray into the word “nonce”.

Two can play this game. What's a "Bibble"?

Oh, that’s easy.

Bibble is actually a verb, not a noun. To bibble means to drink often or to eat or drink noisily.

How did you figure that out?

Duh……I actually wrote the word balloon over your head… duh.

Well I'm feeling a touch of Cacodemonomania right now.

What the heck is that supposed to mean?

It's the pathological belief that one is inhabited by an evil spirit

I think maybe I should be feeling a bit insulted right now.

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In a Nonce

DG wore himself out bouncing on his pogo stick. So now, he is taking a nap.

DG asleep

Well, I’m sure that he will wake up in a nonce.

What the heck is a nonce?


I’m not sure. I will look that up on the interwebs.

Jus’ a sec.

OK. Here it is.

Nonce: adjective
occurring, used, or made only once or for a special occasion”

Nonce: noun
the one, particular, or present occasion, purpose, or use
the time being”


No, wait, there’s more. Listen to this….

“Nonce first appeared in Middle English as a noun spelled ‘nanes.’ The spelling likely came about from a misdivision of the phrase ‘then anes.’ (‘Then’ was the Middle English equivalent of ‘the’ and anes meant ‘one purpose.’) The word was especially used in the phrase for the nonce, meaning ‘for the one purpose,’ as in Geoffrey Chaucer’s ‘Prologue’ of Canterbury Tales: ‘A cook they hadde with hem for the nones To boille the chiknes with the marybones.’ The adjective ‘nonce’ did not exist in print until the publication in 1884 of the New English Dictionary on Historical Principles (which later became the Oxford English Dictionary). The editor of that dictionary, James Murray, created the term ‘nonce-word’ as a label for ‘words apparently employed for the nonce.'”

Pretty interesting, don’t ya think, DG?



DG asleep again.


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DG Springs Into Action

Our recent software upgrade has put a new spring into DG’s step.

DG on pogo stick

Well, that’s a bit over the top.

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DG Upgraded

We pulled the trigger on the software update. We are now running DG on version 6.<mumble-something>

Let’s see how DG is doing.

Oh. That’s not good.

Just a second. I’ll go change some settings.

OK. How’s that?

Better…. but not there yet.

Let’s see…. tweak that setting…. fiddle with this other setting…… turn on the framstat wratchet…

DG crosseyed "Woah. Trippy"

Welcome back.

Hey, it coulda been worse. You coulda stopped thinking about it.

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Update Time

It is time to update the software that is running this blog.

I have been putting this off for a long time now, but it is being forced on me at this time to avoid losing the blog. I am using version 4.<mumble-something>, and the whole world has moved on to version 6.<mumble-something> so we have to switch it up.

Surprised DG "wha?"

Yes, DG, we have to take the chance and upgrade you. So don’t be surprised if you come back looking more like this:

Pixellated DG "wha?"

Sorry, but that is the risk we must take to keep up with the stampeding technology that we use.

DG running away screaming

Such a drama queen.

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DG’s Weight Loss Program

It looks like DG’s weight loss program has been way more effective than we anticipated.

Very skinny DG

This gag isn't funny anymore.

OK. OK. Sheesh, such a grump. I will draw you normal again.

But then, what should we do now for laughs?

Anything else

Oooh. Aaaah. OK then. That opens up a lot of possibilities.

Hmmmm. I will have to give that some thought.

Oh no. What have I done?

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New Diet for DG

DG’s new diet of eating nothing but celery is all well and good, but I had a better idea.

“Hey, DG, I think that my Shredded Wheat and Cardboard diet is better.”


Yeah. If you run out of the shredded wheat, you can go ahead and eat the box it came in. You can hardly tell the difference.


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DG was shocked by what he saw on the scales last week, so he has gone on a Celery Only Diet.

DG Celery with label

Why is there a callout box saying celery?

Because I don’t know how to draw celery well enough that people will realize what it is supposed to be.

So I added the label.

How do I know you are drawing me properly?

Check it out yourself. Go look in the mirror.

DG looking in the mirror "not bad"

Sometimes DG is too easy.

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