Another Milestone Achieved

We just hit another milestone with this blog. After 10 years of posting our entertaining and educational material on this platform, our hit counter just went over 250,000 hits. Wow! A quarter of a million hits! Check it out. Scroll down to the very bottom of the blog to find the hit counter. Hand

…. and we have an honest hit counter too. Don’t believe me? Check out the code yourself.

Hit Counter Code

OK then. Moving right along….

DG thought that was pretty impressive, so he went off to calculate how that compares to some of the bigger fish on the interwebs, like The Google f’rinstance.

DG Calculating

I left him to do that task and meanwhile I figured that The Google’s search engine has to deal with about 5.4 billion searches a day, which is an average of about 62500 per second. So when comparing our 250,000 thousand to The Google…


Hmm. That is about 4 seconds worth of Google searches. Hmm.

DG Oops

Oh well. It’s been fun anyway.


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