
They put up the first floor walls today. The first wall that went up was the back wall to the sun room. That is a really nice looking wall.

Back WallThe ceiling will be a high ceiling, all the way up to the peak. The window is huge! It is 5 feet tall and 9 feet wide. It will be a very sunny sun room.

Here is how they put up a wall. First, they build the wall flat on the floor.

Build the wallThen they get under the wall and lift it into place.

LiftKeep lifting.

Lift Higher…until the wall is in place.


Well, it’s easy to watch anyway. I imagine that it is pretty heavy if you are doing the lifting. In fact, the larger walls were lifted into place using some mechanical poles.

PolesThe poles have a ratchet on them to crank the wall up into position. Here is a closeup.

CloseupAfter the walls are in place, they are nailed using huge nail guns.

NailedCheck out the upper right corner of the photo above. That is a big nail gun! The nail guns are loaded with bandoliers of nails.

BandolierThe guns shoot those long nails all the way into the wood in one shot!

Well, sometimes, the nail guns jam and produce works of art, like this.Art

I guess you don’t want to be aiming those things at your toes.

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