New Toy

Here is the new toy that I just bought.


Remember these? I bet you haven’t seen one of these in a long time.


Yep. They still make these things. This one is brand new.


A hundred bucks cash money…… plus tax……. at the HarDware store.

You just push it, and the blades spin around and cut the grass. No gas. No oil. No broken pull starter or dirty spark plug. No blue smoke.

When we first moved into the house, way back in ’78,  We used an older version of this that is made out of iron. Wicked heavy mower. We still have it, but the rubber tires have rotted and fallen off. We used that push mower for 7 or 8 years before we bought the Snapper.

So why have we decided to go back to this old technology?

When we mow with the new mower it goes “chucka chucka chucka”” instead of like the power mower, which goes.


Yes, there are deficiencies….

  • It will not mow over sticks.
  • It leaves the tall dandelions still standing.
  • It does not vacuum up the yard debris.

But…. it is relaxing instead of aggravating.

Its a zen thing.

I am old.

I can zen if I want to.

…. and…. I just verbed “zen”.

So there.

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