Back to SPOTH

It has been a while since I blogged a Strange Plant, so I am starting up the SPOTH series again. Here is a friendly fellow.

Fishhook Barrel

This is called a “Fishhook Barrel Cactus”. Can you guess why? What does this look like?


… and this….

ouch ouch

… and this….


If you see one of these, and the person holding it says, “Wanna pet my cactus?”…. the correct answer is “No”.

I have been assured by the experts on the interwebs that should you get stabbed by one of these things, you should seek out band aids and antibiotics. Just sayin’

Here is the name of the beast to look out for.

Ferocactus Emoryi

Ferocactus Emoryi. Unfortunately, in the wild they rarely have labels on them.

Oh. One more thing…… this one is a baby.

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