Tiny Flowers

I was introduced to an interesting new SPOTH recently. This one has the smallest flowers ever. Check it out. Here is the plant.

The plant

That is a pretty small plant, but it’s blooming. See the flower? No? Look a little closer.


Now do you see the flower? Not yet? OK move closer.

Still Closer

Now you can see it.

So, exactly how small is that flower? Here it is next to a millimeter ruler.


Each of those huge lines marks a millimeter, so it looks like this flower is about 2 mm across. I wonder what sort of insect would pollinate this plant.

In case you are wondering what the name of the plant is, here is the label.


As you can see, if your plant has teeny, tiny flowers, it also must have a teeny, tiny label.

Cute, and certainly not as scary as Blue.

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