
After all of that Thanksgiving feasting, DG inadvertently stepped onto the bathroom scale and got a shock.


Consequently, I was forced to put him on the “97 Diet“.

What, you may ask, is the “97 Diet”?

I made up the 97 Diet, so you won’t find it described out on the interwebs….. well, except for here. It is basically a diet that allows you to live to the ripe old age of 97 years…. and then die of disappointment.

The foundation of the 97 Diet is that you can buy any sort of food you want, but then you have to discard the food and eat the box that it came in.

Eating the Box

This is very similar to the famous Shredded Wheat® and Cardboard diet (which I also made up)……. except that you aren’t allowed the Shredded Wheat. It works great. You should try it.

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