DG is Ready for Christmas

DG is all ready for Christmas. He has found his Santa outfit and tried it on.

DG as Santa

Actually, this drawing was originally made as a linoleum cut back around 1972 or 1973. That shows you how old DG really is.

Back then we made our Christmas cards by cutting the pictures into linoleum blocks and using them to print the cards ourselves. We printed them on construction paper. Those were the salad days fer sure.

Last year I found the original linoleum blocks for the cards in a box in the basement. The original printer’s ink was in the box as well, and the brayer and other printing necessities too. It turns out that the ink was still good, so I printed some new copies of the cards, scanned them into digital format and, voilĂ , DG as a young man.

He doesn’t seem to have changed much since then. We can only wish we could do that trick ourselves.

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