Trees Again

We had to have some more trees removed for safety. Two of them were behind the house, so they brought in a huge crane.

Big Crane

DG was impressed.

DG impressed

Oops. Sorry. I had to censor that a bit. DG gets carried away sometimes.

If you look closely at the photo above, you can see the teeny tiny tree climber hooking up the tree. Here he is circled in white.

Tree Climber

It looks like the crane is about to topple over onto the house (OH NOOOOO!), but it is actually propped up on its stands.


The crane is level, and the ground is slanting.

After they took the trees out, it was apparent that there was some rot in the trunks.

Rotten trunks

You can see all the way through that hole on the left.

Glad we had them taken down before they fell.

Stay tuned for some more terrifying tales of tall, treacherous tree trunks…… and more really bad alliteration.

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