Today is DG’s 50th birthday. Yay!

So we made a cake and put all 50 candles on it.

DG with candles

DG is not happy about being 50 years old. Actually, he is quite grumpy about it.

DG: I don’t want to be 50.

Me: Too bad.

DG: 50? Hrmph

Me: Ya, ya. Don’t be so picky. 50 is nuthin’. I remember 50……. 1850!


Our Dear Reader steps into the conversation…..

Dear Reader: Wait a minute…… you said before that DG was 51, and that was a couple of years ago. Now he’s 50?

Me: Well maybe I was wrong back then.

Dear Reader: Ya think? You can’t just make this stuff up!

Me: Of course I can. It’s a cartoon. Duh.

DR: So why did you choose January 1 of 1970 for DG’s birthday?

Me: Think of how easy it will be in the future to calculate how old he is. Nice round numbers. No math. C’mon. Why make this harder than it has to be?

DR: Why did you decide just now to assign a birth date to DG?

Me: I wanted to draw that cool picture of all those out-of-control candles on a cake.

Me: Besides, I wanted to make that lousy pun too. Deal with it.

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