Happy Pi Day

Today is Pi (π) Day. In case you have been living under a rock and don’t know what π day is, it is March 14, which is written as 3/14 which some nerds have equated to 3.14, which is a very gross estimate of the value of π, which is actually, 3.141592653589793238462643383279… (approximately).

So, anyway, Happy π Day.

Speaking of nerds, this morning I was looking for a key to a lock box I need to open. I was looking in my Desk Organizer (which is actually a primo example of disorganization) and found some of my old Nerd Jewelry.


That is a Tie Clip and its attendant cuff links. Remember tie clips? Remember ties?  I won’t even ask if you remember shirts that required cuff links.

The tie clip is actually a working slide rule, which is probably the nerdiest nerd fashion statement ever made.  Here is a closer view of the tie clip.

Closer View

Pretty cool, hunh? And if you are paying attention, you can see that the slide rule is solving the calculation of this blog’s hit counter in comparison to The Google hit counter. Click on the link below to refresh your memory.

Slide Rule Calculation

To clarify further, I have included an annotated closeup of this version of the calculation.

Slide rule annotated

So there you have it…. another get-a-life post on the Nothing Happens at Ten blog.

P.S. I did not find the key.

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