Daylight Saving Time is Crazy!

It is time again to go around the house and update all the !@#$% clocks in order to keep up with the government changing the time of day.

We all know that doing this is crazy, but this morning I got up early and witnessed the craziest of crazy yet. Even our clocks are going crazy over it. I caught one of them running around in circles so I took a video. Check it out.


Yikes! The clock is haunted! It did end up ticking away on the correct time, but wow!

Actually, the explanation isn’t all that difficult. That clock automatically updates the time using the WWVB signal out of Fort Collins, Colorado. Since it is an analog clock, the update happens in a different manner than it does for the digital clocks. You can’t just change the number on the screen.

I had never caught it in the act of updating before, so I was a bit shocked to see it spinning around like that. If it were me, I would stop the clock for one hour and then start it up again. But I guess that instead of falling back one hour, it falls forward 23 hours. That sort of sums up the way things are going during these strange times, doesn’t it?

You can read up on WWVB at their web site.

Why not? You might learn something, and it beats watching your sourdough rise.

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