
I have been giving some thought to what to do about DG’s disappearance when he stopped thinking.

Actually, considering the quality of his mischief, I wondered why he hadn’t disappeared sooner.

But, I digress.

It came to me that since DG is a cartoon, maybe we need to change his philosophy a tad. Instead of “cogito, ergo sum“, perhaps it should beĀ “cogito, ergo tu es“, which translates to “I think, therefore, you are”.

So, I gave it a try.

“DG, DG, he’s our man! If he can’t do it, nobody can!”

DG appears in a burst

Hey, it worked! Just thinking about him brought him back.

DG dazed. "What happened"

You disappeared because you stopped thinking. Get it? You studied philosophy where you learned that thinking is key, and when you inadvertently stopped thinking you disappeared in a pfffftttt. So I came up with the idea that since you are a cartoon, what you think doesn’t matter, and I could bring you back myself by just thinking about you. Pretty cool, hunh?


You still there?

Don't do that any more.



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