It has been a while since I have posted a SPOTH, so I thought I would add one today.

If you are new to this blog you might not know what a SPOTH is, so I have supplied a link in the previous paragraph to my glossary (of sorts) to explain it.

In fact, I provided a link in the second paragraph as well. So all you need to do is click on the word SPOTH, and your questions will be answered.  Oh shoot, there’s another one. Dang. I sense an infinite regression coming on.

Well If you haven’t yet figured out how to find out what a SPOTH is, you might have some internet issues.

Just sayin’.

Cutting to the chase, here is the SPOTH.

Tillandsia Cyanea

That is a Tillandsia Cyanea, also called a “pink quill” plant. The quill in the middle is actually a “bract”, which is a modified leaf where the flowers grow.

The neat thing about this is that if you rotate the plant 90 degrees, it looks like this.

Skinny quill

Pretty cool. The quill is flat. It is so skinny in this direction that it almost disappears.

I thought that this was so cool, I expended an enormous effort to create a gif to show the plant rotating so you can get the full effect. Check this out.


To emphasize the trauma that I endured while making that gif, consider that the turntable it was turning on has a music box in it that was playing Edelweiss the whole time.

We suffer for our art.


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