
We haven’t posted for a while because we have been under the weather.

DG with umbrella

Well…. that isn’t exactly what I meant. DG can be so literal sometimes.

But that isn’t the real story. The real story is that we caught a skunk in the Havahart® trap. DG was not pleased.

DG stink lines

Where do you suppose he found that huge clothes pin?

No, I do not have any photographs of the skunk in the trap. My telephoto lens is not long enough to keep me far enough away from that guy.

So somebody who is much braver than I sneaked up on the trap and opened the trap door.

We had a small panic when a few hours later the skunk seemed to have adopted the trap as a cool place to stay for a while. But, eventually it did leave. We haven’t set the trap again since then, and the bunnies are running wild through the gardens.


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