
The plumbing continues to go in. They have modified the fully functional, non-plugged-up, brand new, connected-to-the-sewer, stand pipe for the washing machine to add a drain for the slop sink that will sit next to it.

Stand PipeThe horizontal connection for the stand pipe used to go sideways through those two holes in the studs. Now it appears to go straight down, and the drain for the sink sits there on the left. It’s like a jigsaw puzzle; if something doesn’t fit, just move it.

In addition to the drains, they have put in some of the PEX tubing. PEX tubing is polyethylene tubes that replace the old copper pipes that they used to run. They are used to deliver the water around the house, whereas the white PVC pipes take it back out. Here is a photo.

PEXRed is for hot; blue is for cold. Looks cheap, but apparently it is much better than copper for many reasons. One reason is that they can just snake it through the walls and ceilings like electric wire:

PEXThey don’t have to sweat-solder dozens of copper elbows to make those turns. Also, here in New England it is very possible to lose the heat in the house and end up with frozen water pipes (it happens). The old copper pipes will split when the ice expands, but the PEX is flexible and is less likely to rupture. You can read more about PEX on the web site:

Plastic Pipes and Fittings Association (PPFA)

I don’t know. It still looks cheap. Come back in 20 years and ask me how my PEX is doing. I will appreciate the company, but don’t be offended if I misinterpret the question.

Meanwhile, in the basement, they have returned our old boiler and hot water tank.

BoilerThey are not hooked up yet, but they are back….. as is the old oil tank.

TankWe had that tank made specially to fit into our old garage. It is a standard 275 gallon tank, but the feet are welded on the end of the tank instead of the sides, so it stands straight up. Pretty cool, hunh? Fits right into that corner. Sweet.

Oy, yes, and the stairs into the basement are up.

StairsNow it is easy enough to get in and out that any fool can do it.

That’s about it for this installment. Oh, and the front of the house is almost sided now.

SidingThat’s a really pretty house.

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